:In a composite chart: What does it mean when both people have juno in the 12 House? My life seems to cycle in and out of being able to bring that 12 house/Neptune energy into the everyday world. Often, Sun/Neptune relationships just fade away or dissolve without anyone knowing why. Those of us with composite 12th emphasized will be asked to step away from the mundane and step into the world of the extraordinary, where unlikely connections are day to day things. The romantic synastric analysis is the interaction of houses between two birth charts. After I read and then I re-read this was the conclusion that I am more confused than before but more peaceful and more tolerant with my fate. Its impossible to do one without composites or progressed composites. Hi Daw There are 12 houses of Nessus divided according to the sun signs, such as the rst house belongs to Aries, the second house to Taurus, and so on. Click on "Chart Type" >>. Arent these positive aspects good enough to sustain a relationship down-to-earth, telling me to forgive and try again or just simply blowing the matter worse and prolonging it?. One valuable lesson I learned is to refrain being attached to an outcome with him. Composite Pluto in the 12th House With Composite Pluto in the 12th house, you may struggle over power and control in ways that aren't obvious. Mercury in the first is a good aspect to have because of the communication involved and the ability to think clearly regarding the relationship. I have a heavily involved 12th house with someone, in synastry, sun and sun/moon in each other natal and composite.shows Sun/Mar/Saturn. When transit Pluto is in the composite 12th house, you may feel more powerful and connected in the relationship when its just the two of you, behind closed doors, no one to bother. .why is neptune conjunct sun so bad in composite? He told me that had never happened to him before (referring to how we couldnt control ourselves). The interesting thing is that we have a very unconventional relationship, mainly as friends and close allies in a spiritual cause (with the mission of saving the world, essentially), but with a new dimension of intense emotional and physical intimacy. Lilith may help 12th house to bring their subconscious patterns to light, or do the opposite and evoke more fear. And yes, you need to put the natal charts around the composite to see how this is going to affect the individuals. I like my husband as well after 20 years of marriage but I feel like I fell in this tragic love triangle story without asking for it! Its what happens when a sensitive person loves another human being. 4) Conjunctions to the Axis/Angles = very strong bond. Something is whispering in their ears. Lilith in the 3rd House: Those with Lilith in the 3rd house may have a dark sense of humor, be into alternative or shocking entertainment & literature, while they have the capability of being fantastic liars. The inner planets are where we liveso yes, the 10th house stellium will have more influence on a day to day basis, and then once in a while the outer planets will come out to grab us with whatever their issues are, particularly by transit or progression to the stellium/12th. Hey Dawn! Am i trapping my self? Dont worry, Evelyne. We communicated telepathically and still do. When transit Jupiter is in the composite 12th house, you may have more opportunities to come together behind the scenes, behind closed doors, when no one is watching, and in a professional relationship, this can be how you make lots of progress together. I am very confused in everything in my life just because of him and the energies. There are no connections with saturn to make it harsh. We grasp for the handrail, and find nothing to hold on to. Concentrate on intimacy and you should be all right. But there will be some crisis where they have to define their love and anchor it some useful purpose. That was over three years ago. We have (taurus) mars-venus conjunction on the 12th house and it is so real in our life: we need so strong the deep intimacy and the so close physical and spiritual nearness together, and it is better for us to be alone together for our happiness. Hi! I could love this man more than my husband who is a caring man and in a way very similar to this man. VERY-VERY SORRY! Is it a dream come true, or a big lie? I have read at least books regarding the 12th house, and its not easy to comprehend the needs of the 12th. It's so "behind scenes" that it freaks me out. We go down a lot of wrong alleyways. In Astrology, the planet Venus represents compassion, cooperation, beauty, and the Arts. Instant connection, followed by a break up 5 days after, followed by getting back together 1 week later, on and off, on and off formally breaking up in 9 months, and yet professing how we never stopped loving each other two years after that (If you want to find someone else, if you want to marry someone else, I will not stop you, but know this. Synastry | PlutonicDesire Oftentimes, once we surrender to the powers of the 12th house, our lives are transformed by meaning, because those unlikely connections have brought us a wisdom beyond our time together. My question is this: Does our Sun/Mercury conjunction in the 12th composite necessarily have to mean we are destined to learn a particular lesson and then part? The Who cares? We could look at each other and read one anothers minds, but not in a way where you hear words or anything. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sun conjunct Neptune is a very difficult thing to live with in a composite chart. Transit Mercury in the 12th House Meaning, Transit Birth Chart, Mercury Astrology Free Interpretations . (Note that Jupiter is the natural co-ruler of the 12th, so it will behave in a Pisces-like manner, here.) They help us understand that our capacity to love is its own reward. Very exquisitely put. Composite Neptune conjunct the angles (within 4 to 5 degrees) gives Neptune prominence in the relationship. Together we share a Mars 12th. The Moon/Mars (Virgo) sextiles a close Sun/Jupiter (Cancer) conjunction in the 10th, sextiles Uranus (Scorpio) in the 2nd, trines Ceres (Capricorn) in the 4th, and squares Neptune (Sagittarius) in the 3rd all very close aspects. or sth. Transit Uranus in the Composite 12th House. He says what on thinking. I think the fact that were both artists gave this aspect an outlet. Im sorry, but all of the aspects you mentioned can be used as excuses to pull you back into a relationship that has ended for the other person: in particular, the trines. His Pluto on your Ascendant is an intense experience, but it sounds as though Neptune is the culprit as far as youre concerned. I feel that our connection is a long term one over many lifetimes. Our midpoint composit cannot show any true about our relationship. We have an interesting stellium in the 6th Uranus, Eros, Ceres, and Vertex all within a degree of each other. Everywords pounding in me. "Composite Chart, Midpoint- method (2)". Is Your experience the same? This man can be my everything and this feeling will not change. We had an instant connection, and I ended up in his apartment the first night we met. I am a pisces sun, mercury, mars. Greetings. Hi Dawn, are you able to give me anymore insight or know where I might find more information about 12th house stellium in cancer planets are sun,moon,Mercury and Venus in my husband and my composite chart. Lilith here can even be drawn to cults. My sympathies. We are mainly connected by a love of art, music and film. In composite we have north node in 12th. But, our composite chart is weird. Juno is not only about romantic partnerships, but has to do with equality in general. The feelings I have are much deeper than lust and infatuation. What is it that makes it work? or is it irrelevant ? Hi!! One, that planets energy can be confused and diffused in their lives, especially when in difficult aspect to other things in the composite. Jupiter in 1st house, Uranus in the 11th to bracket the party. Find a way to bring the god down to the day to day world, so that it, too, is considered sacred. (anyone who has ever fallen in love and had planets with that person in 12th composite will know..). yeah, i think we didnt invest much efforts in getting/staying togetherhowever, when I tried to pursue more, I felt as if I was more needy and I cared more about this relationship, as his respose to my efforts was quite blank and gruff. When Saturn is conjunct the North Node it can be particularly ruthless in pursuing its goals. Since Lilith is being hidden in the 12th . Several weeks ago, my wife revealed that she has been hiding a secret life of crushes and short-lived affairs from me over the past 4 years. The Sun person sees in the 11th house person someone, who they can spend pleasant time with. I don know what to do. When Venus occupies the 12th house, it highlights a more mature and sophisticated expression of love. Im afraid I cant get into it in this space (in the synastry course, we spend several lessons comparing the midpoint and Davison charts). Beautiful article!! In synastry, his Pluto is in my 12th conjunct my ascendent tightly, and I have nothing in his 12th. Your post was seemed most fitting for a romantic liaison. My concern is a grand trine in the composite chart, Mercury/Jupiter/Venus all conjunct in the 1st (pisces) trine Moon/North node conjunct in the 5th (cancer) and Neptune the chart ruler in the 9th (Scopio). Pemo Theodore - Unravelling the Mysteries of Love through the Composite What if the composite chart has two strong stelliums: one is made up of the outer planets in the 12th, the other Sun/Mercy/Venus/Juno in the 10th (and moon and mars are in the 8th). You mentioned that couples with 12th house emphasis usually come together for a specific purpose and once that is completed the relationship is destined to end (thats what I gathered anyway). Astrology: How Black Moon Lilith Can Help Your Sex Life - Vice I mentioned Juno because it has a 1 degree conjunction with the Sun. We have a Sun, Venus, Ceres, Node, Lilith and Fortune in 12th house. (Because the moon's orbit is elliptical, it has two center . I am a Sag with moon (12th house) and rising both in scorpio. Thank you Dawn for this very interesting article. Neptune tries to tell us that we cant own anything permanently, and if we try to possess and not understand the message of universal love (love is its own reward) it will pry our grasping fingers off of whatever we are trying to hold on to. Planets in the 12th can behave in one of several ways. I found composite Saturn on the 12th house, trining the composite Sun/Venus/Merc on the 8th and sextile to the Moon on the 2nd. The ego thing is very true. And what does it mean our 12th. This placement suppresses your deep subconscious a lot. We feel that our twelfth house planets dont work the way our other planets do, or the way that same planet seems to behave in other peoples charts. My natal venus is in the 12 th house. While separated from his girlfriend and in the final stages of breaking it off with her, we had several secret liaisons- more 12th house. People who fight for justice for others often have Juno prominent in the chart. (You can have this without the 12th of course, but the 12th is inclined to it.) The fellow and I have composite sun/Mercury conjunct in the 12th, making an out of sign conjunction to the ascendant. Your email address will not be published. Neptune is in the 4th, Libra. We are fated, but we are meant to part. Sun conj. We also have Sun conjunct Saturn, Saturn trine Moon double whammy, Sun conjunct North Node double whammy, his venus conjunct my ascendant, My Mercury conjunct his ascendant, our moons conjunct in aries, Sun opposite Sun, Mercury opposite Mercury, and Venus opposite Venus, all within 3 degrees. Forget about where his planets fall in your houses and instead, put your natal chart around the chart of the composite, then do the same with his. He is a pisces/cap/aquar with cap moon in 12th house. This places can even indicate psychic ability. Sometimes walking around with him is just like being in a movie, which is funny because we ARE in a movie together- one he is making with his best friend. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. The Twelfth House People - Mystic Medusa Astrology He seems very able to detach himself and move to the future. As far as the four major asteroids are concerned, I find that house position is not as important as aspect. WhiteLotus. It also governs much, much more, however. Sorry, Natalia, I cant really comment on this in the space available. I am reasonably happy in my 3+ year marriage, and yet, I still miss my former boyfriend desperately sometimes. These are just a few of the synastry aspects. That 12th house/Neptune influence is devasting if left unchecked. We also have composite Juno in Aquarius in the 4th house (opposing Mercury in the 10th and trining the Ascendant), and Venus tightly conjunct Saturn in the 11th (Leo). I cannot think, sleep since i met him. He just wanted to keep it physical until one of us gets married with someone else. thanks Dawn for your reply. This depends on how well Lilith energy is being handled in the synastry and natal chart. 00 Angel Number, 00 Angel Number Twin Flame. In Hebrew tradition, Lilith was Adam's first wife. I have learned to surrender much but our relationship isnt surviving, we cant let go altogether and cant seem to be together. What is the difference between Midpoint and Davison as Your opinion? intresting to know why its so bad. Venus (love) and Mars (sex) in the 7th House are a strong testimony as well. My takeaway is that the two people involved would think the relationship was hidden (and something for just them) but its not really because of the nature of the Asc Conjunctions. Together, they like to dive deeper and deeper into unknown and mysterious beliefs, cultures, territories, and ideas. New Classes and Courses Beginning In September! Our situation was kind of complicated. Weve known each other for a decade??? Conjunct the composite 1st House cusp, it can be difficult to separate mutual fantasy from reality regarding the identity of the relationship. The south node lies there on the natal composite. Subconciously I always looked at him for a few seconds like a magnet but did not put any thought to it. Eventually, some of their views may clash and this can . Dear Dawn, Thank You so much for Your answer! Neptune is also in the 12th, but hanging back a bit and squaring Neptune- yikes. No one could share that kind of information with a person that he/she newly know. The Sun and Moon in the 7th house are especially encouraging for a new relationship (if you're single) because your main focus for the year (the Sun) plus your emotional concerns will be united in that area. One day , you said that people telegraph their natal theme at every instant of their lives. This last chance element, sadly, often leads us to relationships that are destined to exist only to fix this thingwhen the lesson is learned, both these people move on. This can happen in composites of unrequited love, where one person loves another who doesnt know he or she exists. Also, forgive my double Virgo and the fact that I was once an editor: the phrase is unrequited love not unrequired. Sorry. I had to spend years unlearning what love is to me and settle with how individuals differ in what we value in a relationship. This year in April we were introduced to each other by our mates. Dawn, I just found this and it seems to hold some answers about what is going wrong with my marriage of 8 years. !! I think this is SO true . . This guy in my life puts Libra venus in my 12th (conjuncting my own Libra venus in 12th). This is brilliant and compassionate. His sun, mercury and chiron is in the 12 house in his natal chart. My 12 is in Leo, along with my Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto. In our synastry my North Node/South Node axis is conjunct his MC/IC axis and his Moon conjuncts my IC. And I read from Stephen Arroyo that it is so important to see the traditional rulers of the signs , for example in Aquarius is more important to see Saturn than Uranus. They might not be opposed to using under-handed tactics in order to receive information or get what they desire. I am a strong 12th house person- the sun in Libra conjunct Pluto/Mercury in Scorpio, with Saturn in Scorpio widely conjunct my Scorpio ascendent (I told you I was intense) and he has no planets in the 12th. As the article says : this being the 12th, most of the time the lesson is learning to love and then let go. Your emotions may also be cloudy and unclear at times, and your lack of boundaries may cause you trouble. Its pretty rare. Now, what to think of this powerful symbolism in the composite chart? Id appreciate any information. The Pluto struggle with the ego and power will engage with the partners planetsin a positive way, the partner can become a guide. mercury and mercury conj. Here Black Moon Lilith is squaring both Venus/Mars (12th house) and the Moon (6th house) - both the most difficult houses in the composite chart, indicating an unequal partnership. Happy holidays and thank you for this article. The weirdness of the 12th usually happens when one or both of the other parties has a heavy 12th influence in the natal. Thank You so much for Your answer! Thank you very much for the answer. Could I ask Your opinion? I often was a bit too demanding of her when it comes to intimacy and I wonder if this is about me learning to let go. The Vertex and Anti-Vertex in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous It's time for the wave to return to the ocean. It isnt that theyre unhappyno, they seem to go more the extreme of bliss altering with despair. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Youre a poet of poets. Oh wow, Im glad to be reading this after the fact. So my final question is which method should I look onto (composite or synastry) as they both seem to go into totally different directionsand is it possible to reveal our secret relationship even with composite 12th house? I am at a point where Im in limbo and ready to let go if necessary, but I am paralyzed by the confusion and inability to understand whats at the root of what led us to this point. Mars & NNode in Cancer/10th. The story of your inability to connect probably has more to do with your individual chart comparisons than the composite chart. Lots of greetings from Serbia. Do you think that is true? Your relationship usually starts out as a friendship or as "good friends". Looking forward to taking more classes with you in the future. The working dynamic of the partnership is in the biwheel (how do you make me feel?) I was the Sun/Ascendant person, while he was the Lilith person. The lesson they teach is that we do not have to possess love in order to experience it. Neptune causes us to turn our other into gods. There is, without a doubt, an element of longing in the 12th. MUCH APPRICIATED- i am forever greatful for your insights. In our synastry chart, we also have exact Chiron/Venus opposition. Jupiter Rx in the 7th in Leo. We are very romantic together and trust each other. I had a karmic relationship with a guy for 6 years which ended badly. Much depends on the relationship of the 12th house planets to one another. You can use this to your . our composite mars-venus conjunction opposes composite uranus, sun, mercury all conjunct from seventh house. Either the energy of the planet is lost, confused, diffused and (at least in our early years) ineffective, or the planet can completely embody its archetype for all to see, often after overcoming great difficulties and reversals, sometimes in extreme circumstances. I would very much like to ask a question about Sun opposition Neptune in a composite especially if it is found as double whammy in synastry.From what I have read from your articles that particular dynamic is extremely difficult to get a grasp of.However I am wondering what kind of effect would Pluto in the 12th trine Sun would have on that aspect in the composite which is also double whammy in synastry.Especially since Pluto is the ruler of the Ascendant and Jupiter,co-ruler of Pisces hits that angle.My question has to do with whether in this case the 1st house plays a heavy role in the chart and balances the chaotic power of Sun-Neptune or whether it is so fused with piscean energy that the plutonian core searching is not enough to get through the neptunian fog.I know that you should see the whole chart and that the question is a bit absurd but I think there is a pattern here and I would really like to know even your smallest bit of opinion on the matter.Thank you in advance. Twelfth house composites can work very well if the people involved understand that they must work together and make a contribution of some kind, even to simply show a good example of what a couple can be. Im sorry, Kyveli, but this is too complex a question to answer in the space here. I am surprised I did not find it and comment earlier, as I am still haunted by the same relationship 2 years after it ended. You need to work on bringing body and mind together, as a couple. His Neptune conjuncts my SN orb 003 The fourth house is . I need all the help to understand I can get. I do all these within a synastry consulation. Aquarius rising at 29 degrees. @ more very amazing thing IF this is still not enough proof: My Moon and Mars conjucts his North Node (fairly tight 2-3 degrees conjuction) His NOrth Node conjucts His own Pluto (good old Pluto might just kill me with his north node conjuction (i wonder if that is the plan here?) I felt like someone kicked me out of my home. . Lilith in 8th House: Synastry, Transit & Composite Black Moon Lilith in the Houses - How Does Your Dark - Pathstrology Unable to forget it? Noticed he has moved on and I want to let go and move on too, hoping that the story will not repeat itself again. So I had to find an answer without destroying so many other lives or breaking up relationships. Emotional Suppression. Lilith (M) 5 58' Leo . Lilith in the 12th House is an unusual placement because it revolves around the dark side of your life and its unseen parts. Its a huge task, but often one the 12th house couple is uniquely suited for.]. The composite charts (both Davison and midpoint) need to be progressed. Composite Pluto Through the Houses - Stars and Tarot Hello, Skye. There is probably some sort of inequality and that can be good for employee/employer or guru/student relationships. For instance I have a Composite Taurus Sun at 1-2 degrees in the 12th Conjunct Taurus Eros (also in the 12th at 4 degrees), and the Taurus Asc at 5 degrees. We fall, and find the world. However, the greatest truths will be revealed through periods of meditation and silence. Mars and Pluto certainly do about Scorpio. We also have 3 composite planets and an asteroid in house 8. *And in Synastry- My Chiron RIsing (asc in Taurus) sits in his 12th house) It has left a hole in my heart, (composite chiron conjunct asc) and I suffered from insomnia regretting I should or shouldnt have done. For him, its TOO many of his own issues. Ive known couples who are married for long periods of time to have 12th house composites. Whatever I told you would not have a context. The 12th house has to do with summarizing and accepting all that has come before it, whereas first house planets are very pure, almost innocent, in their expression. But it was very devastating experience getting physical, it really failed the first time and we didnt try it again. Im always attracted to those types of relationships the davison chart also has our moon, venus, saturn and uranus in the 1st. In reality, 12th house people tend to believe it doesn't matter what they do. I have 12th house with my partner, but also many Saturn and Pluto Aspects. We become real magicians if we can tap into it. The same person I've had mutual 12th house synastry with has sun in 12th house composite with me. I am in a very confused place myself right now, wanting to forgive, still loving her, but not understanding her and whether healing her childhood wounds will bring her attraction back, or if its got something more to do with me and something I need to let go of. There are lots of couples with heavy 12th house influence who are out in the open. I know he is devoted to his son more maybe than to his wife but he cares about him as well because he is a very nice man.