Things that used to smell or taste good to you may make you feel nauseous. On Aug 15th.. One of the condoms broke.. after he finished.. well as u no my period isn't due for about 2 weeks, so i really don't no what's going on. The most important thing you can do if you feel you may be pregnant is take a pregnancy test. Early pregnancy (first trimester) abdominal symptoms include nausea/morning sickness, cramping, constipation, heartburn, bloating, and gas. hello. Fluids begin to increase in your body as the womb gets ready to make a comfortable home for the baby. I sleep a lot. Early signs and symptoms include implantation bleeding or cramps, which can occur 5-6 days after the sperm fertilizes the egg. Usually, the symptoms taper off after the first trimester.4. Holland, Kimberly and Rachel Nall. Nausea and vomiting. please help!!! Can I be pregnant four days before my period because me and my boyfriend was in me webothed with out clothes and he pulledout before he cumed I put pants ack on before he ejcleted. Headaches in pregnancy are usually caused by hormones or increased blood flow. The hormone also causes the preparation of a uterine lining for a possible pregnancy. As your ligaments stretch to accommodate your pregnant belly as it grows, you might feel a sharper pain or cramp. I took a pregnancy test a week after I had sex and I know it was too early and it was negative.I took one about a week ago and it was still negative. You should eat a diet rich in fiber, but dont overdo it too fast. Keep in mind, however, that it's very likely you will have no symptoms. How Does A Pregnant Belly Feel In Early Pregnancy? Am I prego or is it the period talk? Go to a doctor and find out!!!! Feb 28, 2023 at 8:08 AM. I have been freaking out.. Stephanie from Canada on February 11, 2013: Ok I haven't had sex in 3 months well 2 nites ago I got drunk and after a couple of drinks my stomach has had a sharp pain like someone ia stabbing me I can't sleep everything I eat I throw up can someone tell me what's going on please I dnt wanna go to the doctor cuz ill prolly go to jail for under age drinking, is it possible for a woman to feel a week after the conception of any strange feelings?? couse i am feeling some movement in my stomach ..the vomiting and i get tried and sleepy all the time .. Also I'm extremely bloated. Sensitivity to taste and smell is a classic symptom experienced by at least 85% of women during pregnancy. How does a pregnant belly feel in early pregnancy? Well it's 10/11/2011 today and i have not gotten My period. and idk if im stressin to much that i could be pregnant or if i really am. Can anybody help? It's clich for a reason: it's common! I've been throwing up for almost 2 weeks now,I get lower belly pain,my back hurts,my feet recently started swelling up from jus sitting down too long,I'm smelling things that's far away,I made a pregnancy test and it came back positive bt idk if to trust it cause I pocs and I really want to have a baby,if i'm not I'll jus give up hopeso any advice would be welcomed. What does stomach feel like in early pregnancy? My doc gave me primolute - n for getting my period from 7th may - 9th may. I am 2 days late for my period, and for the last 5-6 days, i have been feeling nauseous, some things smell funny, i have bad indigestion, and a tender abdomen. Feeling hardness in your belly or pain in your stomach thats not related to queasiness or light cramping, however, is not a documented sign of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. So if you have a period that is early and much lighter than normal (sometimes implantation bleeding is described as just a few drops of blood), you could still be pregnant. Every woman will experience breast tenderness though the degree and timeline might differ. me and my boyfriend are curious! I have to go to the bathroom frequently, I feel nauseated every night and some mornings for the past few days. I'm supposed to start my period on the 25th, if I do start does this mean I'm not pregnant? Mood swings. I had my last period on june 24 and havent had one since took two tests and they came back negative whats going on could i be pregant ?? Went and got 3 first response preg test and it came out negative. Dont beat yourself up for being irrational or moody or for feeling down when you feel like you should be excited that a baby is on the way. Women who carry more weight in their midsection may have a B-shaped belly than the standard D shape (9). I am very worried I am pregnant. Make sure youre drinking eight glasses of water a day. I have been going to the bathroom every four to five hours, mild backaches, nauseous at random times, I cry over stupid things, I am extremely tired even though I sleep enough, I have had mild cramping and my breasts are somewhat sore at times. This way, you can ensure that youve really emptied out everything in there so you don't find yourself needing to pee again in five minutes. This is usually termed implantation bleeding.4 It is a symptom that is frustratingly similar to getting your period. Hey everyone 'Im new to this site, but I was searching on google and came across it. I'm a small girl. i think its still too early to tell. Sorry for the long post but i just hope i can get some advice from someone or just have someone to talk to about this.. Thx. I did take a test on yesterday Oct 17 it had a very faint positive. I feel like I want to throw up but I don't, especially when I'm near my boyfriend or when we speak on the phone, I've gain some weight. I HAD SOME SYMPTOMS BUT 7 HOME PREGNANCY TESTS CAME UP NEGATIVE..SO HERE I AM BEING YOUNG AND NAVE AND MOVING HEAVY FURNITURE AND DOIN THING I SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN DOING, WHICH CAUSE ME TO MISCARRY.. Ive read so many things that only say by 6 weeks women experience it. Thank you. My breast normally don't become sore until the day I start my period and nothing like how they are now. It's called morning sickness because the discomfort is often the worst in the morning. What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy? My boyfriend and i have been talking about having kids and until i met him i never would have thought about kids. An I feel as if my belly is a little bloated. You will only notice this if you've been charting your basal body temperature in order to track ovulation (normal BBT for women is between 96 and 99 degrees; its your body temperature right when you wake up in the morning before you do anything). I have a really bad headache and I have to pee again.. TTYL Good Luck all of you.. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. It's a fun watch, and you never knowsome of those old wives may be smarter than you thought! what do you guys think it is.. my fianc tries holding my belly at night when we sleep and i end up pushing his hands off bcus it feels too uncomfortable and too much weight on my belly and i am bloated.. so do you guys think im pregnant or im just psyching myself out.. we both will feel a little upset if we arent and of course try again next month but can i get some suggestionS? and since 9am ive had to pee like six times (its 11:25 AM). Feeling pain in your lower abdomen or feeling like your stomach is hard, swollen, or heavy are not early signs of pregnancy. Unfortunately, theres no magic pill to make all the symptoms go away, but with care, you can find ways to manage them. I mean even when my arm rubs across them while moving around for everyday life it hurts. I don't want to be let down again.. Ugh. Could I be pregnant? i felt nausous all last week like at the top of my tummy near my ribs. lately i have been more than usual stressed but it doesn't normally throw off my period.. iv been very fatigue and have had headaches that wont go away and i never get headaches.. also when i urinate it always seems to burn or just feel uncomfortable rght after but not for a long period of time so i know i don't have an infection at all. I guess its just a waiting game now if I don't get my period by Oct 21 then I will test again and I will definitely post my results.. If you'd like to feel your uterus, follow these steps: Make sure your bladder is empty. So three nites ago I had sex with this guy. In fact, in one study, 29% of women reported that missing their period was their first clue that they were pregnant.2. How does pregnant belly feel? - You can manage morning sickness by eating small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. Any advise would help! More than usual!! I hope to find out sometime soon if I am!! Idk if it's cuz I might be prego or if it's just my period. This added burden puts physical pressure on the bladder, plus the extra fluids in the body all have to be processed through the kidneys and bladder. It started as spotting then on the 30-31 was heavy then was spotting again (no panty liner was needed) and that spotting lasted a day or so and now it has been approximately 5 days since the spotting has stopped and I have been feeling nauseous, dull cramps in abdomen and lower back.. Wearing a bra to bed might help ease the pain as well. You might mistake this for your normal PMS symptoms. Im only like 96 pounds so im wandering if the symptoms are kicking in earlier due to my size. The things I am experiencing are new for me. Nausea throughout the day (also known as morning sickness) Headaches. Dont be afraid to ask for help from your partner or family. This is often the sign movies and television shows use to indicate that a character is pregnant. Even if i stay awake all day i still cant sleep at night . I really don't have any of the symtoms any one has said beside kind of sleeping but I sometimes like to sleep i'm not really sleeping more or less then I normally do.. Also I'm not really hungry lately. @MOLLY..MY PREGNANCY WAS A MISCARRIAGE AT 2 MONTHS. This is another (almost) universal sign of pregnancy. Ive been sick for 3 days not throwing up but like my tummy hurts and i just got new jeans that were one size to big and now there like really tight idk if im prego cuz i took 3 test and they all said im not to HELP!!! well my last period started on 09-27 and lasted till 10-01. on the 2nd we had sex, several times and he finished. My names Bekah, i am 16 years old and my boyfriend and i are ttc yes, i know im young but hes 23 and ready to settle down.. i act a lot more mature for my age then most girls and i am ready for a baby.. we have had sex the past few days, hes came in me each time and ive held my legs up above my head.. i have been reading articles about how long it can take a woman to feel the symptoms.. i have been very tired lately and very moody as well as nausous and dizzy. Anyway, it's been about 3 and a half weeks now and I should be due for my next period soon but I'm freaking the he'll out because I been sleepy, cramping in my lower abdominal & I wake up with back pains :( this morning I woke up and my mom had made something as soon as I smelled it I ran upstair to throw up i felt so nauseous ! Instead, try cutting out drinks with caffeine in them since its a mild diuretic. but my boss made meatballs yesterday for work and as soon as i walked in i wanted to vomit i couldn't handle the smell. You might also experience a sense of a loss of control, over whats happening with work, in your family, with your body, and in life in general. I have a question about pregnancy testing. If the test is negative and your period still doesnt come, try again. The egg was successfully fertilized. And I have been so moody!! If your pregnant belly feels tight and heavy, it's usually because your uterus is expanding to accommodate your growing baby. Nausea can occur with or without vomiting and is often worse on an empty stomach. Keep a headache diary, recording everything that you eat and drink and how much sleep and exercise youre getting to see if you can identify a trigger in your diet or other health habits. Your best bet is to let go of the issues that you cant control. well my period is due around the 25, well for the last 2 week ive been really blotted, dissy, and ive had several bad headaces that wont go away. And just today, my boyfriend and i walked passed a funnel cake stand nd i absolutly LOVE funnel cakes but for sum reason, the smell of them was repulsive. All I' ve notice is that I'm hungry more then often. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. I'm having my mensus but I'm feeling dizzy , fatigue & I feel like barfing at times . I normally have regular periods but i was told by my doctor my tubes were blocked.Does anyone else have this issue or had a similar issue to this? But up to today i have really sore breasts and for the past week a constant feeling of pressure in bladder. Thank you so much.. I'm 17 years old. For some women, ginger ale and saltines work wonders. Thanx ^^, im on the pill, and i came off my period about a week ago, me and my boyfriend had sex three times both saturday & sunday last weekend, i took my pill but now i keep feeling really sick i don't know if im pregnant or what?:(. My boyfriend and i have been having unprotected sex for almost 6 months. Some women find that double-voiding is helpful, where you go to the bathroom and empty your bladder, then wait a second, and do it again. I find it odd that I don't want to eat foods I regularly like. "Pregnancy Symptoms Early Signs Of Pregnancy." A positive test is the most effective way to find out if you're pregnant. (this goes with my other comment that's under this one) please help me . My next period is due on 21 of April. I really need some one to answer these question for me: Can you start to have pregnancy signs after 2 weeks of sex? I became real sad as any other women would knowing there would be no baby! Hormones are at it again! And foods i find really nasty, im starting to eat them. i am sixteen years old me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for almost seven months he always pulls out. Stay away from commercial laxatives since many of these are not approved for use during pregnancy. We are all such special snowflakes! If ya need anyone to talk to.. LOL It feels like a hard empty feeling.. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. Even if I am hungry) my breasts are tender, my nipples are bigger? The areola (area around the nipple) may also darken. Ive had sex with someone 8x in one night sounds crazy but its true , I was then late coming on I then experienced light spotting and some brown discharge this lasted 4 days , 1 week after having sex I did 2 tests one was negative and one showed an extremely faint Second line , I left it another week so by then it would have been 2 weeks That showed negative I went to my gp I told him everything and by this point my boobs where heavy they hurt I cant stop weeing im constipated I cant stand certain foods I usually eat im tired my belly is bigger than usual (I am curvy not exactly skinny) The doctor has told me to go by the fact Im pregnant but we dont know its now been 3 weeks today I took another test and its negative last night and this morning emotions came out of nowhere Ive had cramping last night and this morning just want to find out whats going on if Im pregnant then so be it if Im not I can try again just wanna know why I feel like this Im only 23 and never been pregnant before. The pregnancy hormone progesterone can cause your tummy to feel full, rounded and bloated so if you're feeling swollen in that area you could be pregnant! Be sure to test first thing in the morning, when your urine and the hormone that the test is measuring (hCG) are most concentrated. Though your larger twins might look enticing to your partner, make sure you let them know that they are welcome to look, but touching should be kept to a minimum. && im up all night . You'll probably want to know if you're pregnant sooner rather than later since it's important to receive appropriate prenatal care and discontinue any unhealthy habits you may have. Also the OB checked my ovary and everything were ok. Im going crazy. He told me if i am to get an abortion but I wouldn't be able to kill my baby but I wouldn't be able to raise the baby I have a baby brother nd see how hard he is. Garden-variety digestive problems seem to be part and parcel of pregnancy, especially during the first and third trimester. Early pregnancy (first trimester) abdominal symptoms include nausea/morning sickness, cramping, constipation, heartburn, bloating, and gas. If its negative, wait a couple more days and test again if Aunt Flo doesnt come to visit. A missed period is the most common first symptom of pregnancy. Over the course of your pregnancy, you could gain up to two cup sizes, with the extra bulk coming from milk, extra fatty tissue, and blood. yes my period is due in a few days but i just don't feel normal. April/May?? Try eating six small meals a day instead of three large meals, which will help keep things moving through. You might think that frequent urination is limited to early pregnancy; however, it's quite common in the first trimester as well due to increased blood flow to the pelvic area. I am going to call and make an appointment here soon. Yay, pregnancy mysteries! im nauseated but not vomiting && constipated . This is sometimes a sign that the egg has implanted itself into the uterine wall. SO AGAIN HOME TEST ARE NOT TO ACCURATE A WELL.. GO TO THE DOCTOR AND GET TESTED..HAVE THEM DO A QUANTITIVE BLOOD TEST WHICH TELLSHOW MUCH HCG IS IN YOUR SYSTEM.. A REGULAS TEST MIGHT COME BACK NEGATIVE AND BE FALSE..TALKING FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE..PCOS CAN BE A TRICKY THING. I woke up at four a.m last night because I was hungry. from Other early symptoms include breast tenderness and mood changes. So, a self-examination of your stomach is not going to lead to anything conclusive. For the last week (a day or so after i put my patch back, which normally clears up any hormone imbalances or pain) my boobs have been hurting especially any time you touch them or i put a bra on, i have been having slight stomach cramps in my abdomin area, my feet are swollen, i have been having nausea but no throwing up. If you see a line indicating a pregnancy, youre almost certainly pregnant (even if its very faint). Also, I use the restroom a lot. You may have an infection or could, sadly, be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage: severe abdominal pain or cramping. Obviously (as Ive said a million times already in this article), every woman is different, and some may never complain of headaches. I haven't experience pregnancy symptoms in so long seeing as tho my daughter is six. I also am peein a lot. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, and if you've missed a period, you should definitely take a pregnancy test. Digestive issues are common during pregnancy, although you may not experience bloating until later on. That's an amazing feat of strength on your body's part. What Will My Lower Abdomen Feel Like In Early Pregnancy Feeling pregnant On google I was asking questions about pregnancy because its a possibility I could be. On the 25th and 5 days later were my fertile days. Some women may experience only a few of these symptoms, while others may experience them all. Tender or swollen breasts. I am afraid to go to the doctor because I would feel silly if he told me I am not because I have thought I was pregnant before and had a negative blood test. My husbands family thinks I am but I don't think I am! I took pregnancy tests 3 times all came negative. Typically, the need is worse in the first and third trimesters. Pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy symptoms may begin in some people as early as a week after implantation. Keep in mind: Many women do not have any feelings during early pregnancy until they are at least five weeks pregnant. It could be due to a number of other issues or possibly caused by stress.